Jessica Steere Portfolio
Goal VI: Theory and Praxis
"Students have a critical grounding in theoretical perspectives that draw on research in LIS as well as other fields of knowledge, that inform their professional practices including research, organization, management, and access to information."
IV.a. Students will describe applications of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in library and information science.
In conducting a deep dive into the so-called "serials crisis" for libraries, I had the opportunity to explore the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies used in library and information science. To truly grasp the serials crisis and the rise of the Open Access movement and the building of sophisticated search engines, I had to understand the quantitative and qualitative research results that drove this ongoing issue.
IV.b. Students will identify opportunities for research and develop plans for research in applied settings in library and information science.
As technology advances, audio-visual formats such as VHS tapes, film reels, audiotapes, and floppy disks are becoming more and more difficult to access due to the lack of compatible playback equipment. This group assignment completed with three other peers, allowed me to create a research proposal that would asses some of the possible weaknesses and gaps in current audio-visual archiving practices in order to develop more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly archiving systems for audio-visual formats. I have removed the names of my group mates for their privacy.